
Archaeological Sites

Coordinates: 39.208442, 23.593321

Lighthouse at Cape Gourouni

One of the most recent and impressive monuments of Skopelos is the lighthouse, located at the northern tip of the island at Cape "Gourouni." It was built in 1889 by the Greek government. After almost a century of operation, in 1996, it was designated a historical preserved monument by the Ministry of Culture.

The structure, which dominates the slopes of the mountain covered with lentisk and arbutus bushes, consists of the lighthouse keeper's house and the integrated tower. The lighting apparatus at the top of the tower was manufactured in Paris at the end of the 19th century, according to an inscription. The height of the square stone shaft of the tower is 14 meters, and together with the lighting cage, it reaches about 17.8 meters.

The lighthouse was constructed from porous stone, a much lighter material than usual, derived from volcanic tuff (ash). It likely arrived from Kimolos, which once supplied the entire Aegean, even as far as Constantinople.

Initially, the lighthouse operated on oil. During the Occupation, it remained unlit but was reactivated in 1944. It was electrified in 1984 and continued to be operated under supervision until 1989, when it was automated. The lighthouse at Cape "Gourouni" is classified as a rotating type. Its lamp flashes three times in 10 seconds, followed by a 20-second pause before starting again. Its light range still reaches 20 nautical miles today.

To visit the historic lighthouse, follow the relatively drivable dirt road from Glossa, which is about 10 kilometers away.

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